Bostons long awaited resolution to the eye-sore left in Downtown Crossing has finally come to its successful conclusion as of roughly a week ago. The former Filenes site that has now been demolished officially had its plans approved to build a new building known as the Millennium Tower and will cost developers $615 to construct. The exact developers? None other than Millennium Partners and it is this group of individuals who will soon be proud to look up at their 625 foot masterpiece.
The Boston Redevelopment Authority approved the plans that along with this building will see the historic Burnham Building on the site completely restored and upgraded. This news of course is something that Mayor Thomas M. Menino is completely thrilled about. I am proud of the decisive progress being made by Millennium Partners just eight months after announcing their lead on the Millennium Tower and Burnham Building. This iconic development will invigorate the heart of our city with new residents, business owners and private investment, solidifying the promise of Downtown Crossing. A building that will be comprised of 600 condominiums and apartments, there will also be a great deal of office space, 218,000 square feet to be exact, as well as 231,000 square feet to be for retail purposes.
Just months ago we blogged about how the plans were back on temporarily, and then yet again in July we reported in a blog about even more headlines coming from this area of Downtown Crossing. Needless to say that with such immense speculation as to the future of this project, this final approval notice is something that locals will be thrilled about knowing that there indeed is light at the end of the tunnel.
More Information: Boston Business Journal