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Boston Real Estate: UMass Breaking Ground on $113M Complex

Boston Real Estate, University of Massachusetts, University of Masachusetts Boston, Boston Colleges, Boston Universities, Boston Construction

The Future $113M Building at UMass Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston has just come forward with an announcement that they are set to begin construction on a 181,000 square foot facility. This complex, to be used for academic purposes, will cost upwards of a $113 Million to build. Within this future building which is anticipated to be completed in 2015, there is set to be 2,000 additional seats of classroom spaces added, a large theatre, studios, a student lounge, a sprawling cafeteria, a recital hall as well as various teaching labs.

Furthermore, the complex will primarily be used for the studies of chemistry, the performing arts, as well as one other thus far unnamed academic program. To be four-storeys in height, the new building will be constructed on top of a current parking lot located near the Northeast corner of the schools campus. It is here, in between the Massachusetts Archive and the Campus Center where the University is aiming to grow the students presence, course offerings and overall enrollment.

Looking to the broader master plan for The University of Massachusetts Boston, there is roughly $700 Million set to be invested within the next twenty-five years for expansionary efforts. One of the more notable improvements within this progressive vision will come in the form of a new Sciences Complex which is hoped will open in the Fall of 2014. It seems as though spending in the countless World-class educational programs we are fortunate to have in The Greater Boston Area is increasing. This is only a positive sign that not only trust in the real estate market amongst investors is up, but that jobs will be added on our local level and that the overall quality of education afforded to Bostons students is only continuing to improve.

More Information: Boston Business Journal

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