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Charlestown News: Charlestown Holiday Stroll - Saturday, December 7th (11:00AM - 4:00 PM)

Charlestown Holiday Stroll, Charlestown Events, Charlestown News, Charlestown Boston, Charlestown Mass, Charlestown Real Estate

The Charlestown Holiday Stroll is this coming Saturday, December 7th

Gibson Sothebys International Realty is once again a proud participant in this years Holiday Stroll in Charlestown, on Saturday, December 7th! Our Gibson Sothebys International Realty office, located at One Thompson Square, will be in full Holiday spirit and will offer Face Painting and Treats for the kids from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. This year, per the tradition, there will be many stops along the tour with everything being free with giveaways and chances to register to win many offerings. Many local businesses will be participating in the stroll who will be the ones giving such offerings as well as non-profit organizations who will be helping make this years event even better than ever before. Gibson Sothebys International Realty will be accepting canned goods for Harvest On Vine Food Pantry in our office as well.

As one of the most celebrated areas of the Hub, we look forward to continuing thischerished event in Charlestown with all of you very soon this coming Saturday, December 7th!

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